Basis Spectra Manipulation


The basis_tools script provides the user with tools for manipulating basis spectra in the FSL-MRS JSON format.

Provide one of the following subcommands with basis_tools to convert, scale, add to, difference, or shift basis spectra.


Example basis_tools info path/to/my/basis
Provides a short summary of the contents of the basis set.


Example basis_tools vis path/to/my/basis --ppmlim 0.2 4.2
Provides visualisation of the basis set.


Example basis_tools convert path/to/my/lcmbasis.BASIS path/to/my/fslbasis
Convert LCModel (.Basis), LCModel (directory of .raw) or JMRUI format basis sets to FSL-MRS (.json) format.
Note that the bandwidth and fieldstrength must be supplied manually to the CLI for the .raw format.


Example basis_tools add --scale --name my_new_basis my_new_basis.json path/to/my/fslbasis
Add a json formatted basis spectrum to an existing basis set.


Example basis_tools shift path/to/my/fslbasis NAA 1.0 path/to/my/edited_fslbasis
Shift a basis spectrum on the chemical shift axis.


Example basis_tools shift path/to/my/fslbasis NAA path/to/my/scaled_fslbasis
Rescale a basis spectrum to the mean of all other basis spectra (or to specified target --target_scale.


Example basis_tools diff --add_or_sub sub mega_on mega_off mega_diff
Form a basis set for a difference method using two other basis set. Add or subtract using --add_or_sub {'add'|'sub}.


Example basis_tools add_set --add_MM basis_without_mm/ basis_with_default_mm/
Add a (predefined) set of Gaussian peaks to a basis set. Three defualt sets are defined:
1) The FSL ‘default’ with peaks at 0.9, 1.2, 1.4, 1.7 ppm and a linked set at 2.08 & 3.0 ppm
2) The (experimental) MEGA edited MM peaks at 0.915 & 3.0 ppm (ratio of 3.75:2.0).
3) A water peak at 4.65 ppm
The other options (--gamma --sigma) allow a custom set of peaks to be specified.